I am a mouse. My name is Niblet. I live in a little hole in a house. Living in the house is a man, a woman, a boy, and a girl. I like the two children a lot. They always leave crumbs behind and I get to eat them when everyone is asleep. They also have cool little toys. Some of the toys are good for my home so I borrow them and use them in my house. Last week I found a little chair, just big enough for me. It fits so nicely in my living room.
Today I found a little spoon. It is great for scooping up crumbs that are in cracks that I can't reach.
I also have a little blanket that I found under the little boy's bed. It really isn't a blanket, it is an old shirt from his little teddy bear. He doesn't need it anymore because he got his bear a new shirt and the old one makes a perfect blanket for me.
I miss the kids when they go to school in the morning. The house is so quiet without them. I really miss all of the squeaks and noise they make. Kids are just like mice.
I love the family I live with, and I hope they never find out about me. People are scared of mice and try to get rid of them if they find us in their house. That's why I need to be so quiet. Shhhhhh!
Niblet the Mouse
Unknown 9:49 AM
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